Фотографии од доење кои ќе ве остават без здив

Доењето нуди корист за сите!

Националната недела на доењето се одбележува секоја година од 1 до 8 октомври, со цел да се подигне свеста за важноста и користа која ја носи доењето и тоа за мајката, детето и целокупната заедница. За таа цел, погледнете ги овие прекрасни фотографии кои веруваме дека ќе ве разнежнат.

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✨JULIA✨ Pocos momentos hay tan fotogénicos. Lactancia materna y fotografía… Como enfermera neonatal, matrona y aficionada a la fotografía, ¿por qué no se me ocurriría antes capturar imágenes como esta? ? —————— ? Fujifilm X-T4 y Fujinon 35mm f1.4 —————— #lactanciamaterna #maternitypictures #maternitysession #momtogcommunity #one_magical_moment #my_magical_moments #babyshots #moodymoments #breastfeedingmom #momentswithmom #babypics #babypicturechallenge #babyportraits #breastfeedingphotography #children_photography #childhoodunplugged #familyportraitures #portraitmood #hvmansouls #portraitureinspirations #portraitpage #family_photographer #onemonthbaby

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Sometimes I feel like it's time to stop breastfeeding. On many occasions she bites me and the pain the impotence of the moment makes me consider it .. but in the moments that she caresses me she looks at me smiling she transmits that love that I felt from the first day. I just remember everything we’ve been through during this year. Sometimes she only needs to be on the breast for a minute to continue playing and being happier. But most of the time to help her sleep.. I always said that I wanted to breastfeed until one year but this magical connection only lasts when they are babies and maybe I will never have a chance to go through this experience again so for now and while she is not biting me I hope it lasts a little longer. ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ?????????? ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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Mᥲrdι 6 oᥴtobrᥱ ? ____ J'ai toujours su que si j'enfantais j'allaiterai. Ma maman me parlait beaucoup de mon allaitement puis du co-allaitement avec mon frère. Du regard des gens en France, de l'allaitement à Madagascar. De ce lien qu'elle a créé avec mon frère pendant plus de 2ans. J'imaginais et j'admirais ses récits. Mais quand j'ai le plus visualisé l'allaitement c'est quand j'ai demandé à ma grand-mère qui était sur cette magnifique photo encadrée au dessus de son lit. Elle nourrissait de son lait mon père, son premier enfant. Elle me décrivait ces instants comme les plus intenses et les plus beaux de sa vie. Elle en gardait un merveilleux souvenirs et avait encadrée une photo pour pouvoir l'admirer chaque jour. Je me rappelle avoir pensé "un jour j'aurai moi aussi ma photo". Dans les années 60 il était plus compliqué d'immortaliser ces instants. Mais mon grand-père avait pris le soin de le faire en toute intimité. 50 ans après c'est lui qui a pris mes premières photo d'allaitement, à la maternité pour la naissance de Tahys. Il a immortalisé celle de mon père, la mienne, puis celle de mes fils. Je trouve ça si beau. Aujourd'hui je rends hommage a ces merveilleuses femmes qui m'ont inspirées. Cette photo je la dédie à toi mamie. Tu auras pas connu tes arrières petits fils, mais sache que je suis tes pas. Ceux qui m'ont donné envie petite, j'ai réalisé mes souhaits. Joyeux anniversaire à ma plus belle étoile?ma mamie blue ? ____ #motherhood #mother #maman #viedemaman #mamallaitante #allaitementmaternel #allaitementnonecourté #breastfeedingmom #breastfeeding #milkmama #instamood #mood #memories #souvenirsdenfance #mèreetfils #allaitementapresunan #allaiterpartout

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Reposted from @ilysa08: Being a mom is the most amazing, exciting, rewarding yet exhausting thing I’ve ever done. The first time around I was super overbearing, over protective, would freak out over the smallest tiny little blemish on my baby’s skin, or the way she breathed. My first baby made me a mom, she was my best friend, we did everything together, I even vented to her sometimes while she slept in my arms, she gave me so many new mom scares. My first baby taught me so much, more than she could ever imagine. This time around my second has made me more patient, specially amidst of a pandemic with a now 7 year old in online school, on top of taking care of house chores, sometimes running errands… sometimes my husband is deployed and now mostly he is home (thank God for that) Being a mom really tests your limits on how far you are willing to go for these little people that you created. I question myself everyday, am I doing this right? Am I raising strong, independent, and confident women? Did I do enough to help them grow today? Was I too mean today? Did I spend enough time with them? And never once think about me. I sometimes forget I need to take care of me too so that I can be the best mom I can give them. I try to not be so hard on myself, and try to be kind to myself, and remind my self that in their eyes I’m the best Mom, they don’t see a tired mom, on a mean mom. They see a perfect Mom. Your babies think you are perfect, you are the only Mom they will ever know…. I see that as huge win! So it’s ok if you are tired today, we stay in our pajamas all day, and those dishes don’t get washed and that laundry keeps piling up… those chores will eventually get done, but for now enjoy your babies and be kind to yourself… these first years will be gone before you know it. • • • • • • #motherhood #mommylife #momanddaughter #motherlove #motherhoodthroughinstagram #breastfeeding #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingmom #fourthtrimester #mamasmilk #breastfeedinginpublic #breastfeedingphotography #postpartum #breastfeedingisbeautiful #lake #water #beautifulviews #naturephotography

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#tandembreastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #twinning #twins #alyreneebirthphotography #worldbreastfeedingweek #newborntwins

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