

Речиси секоја мајка на социјалните мрежи споделува фотографии од своето дете. Многу родители го осудуваат тоа, но некогаш социјалните мрежи може да имаат и позитивна страна.

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Last Thurs I noticed the glow in her eye was drastically larger and looked like a white hole. I’ve noticed it over the past few wks but it was small, and only showed at certain angles. I regret it now, by not thinking anymore of it. I just had a feeling she needed to be seen. Her dr got her in and said it was nothing serious. She said they’d just done an eye exam at her well check, but they did another one. She said her red reflexes were good, and googled stuff on cloudy eyes. I still wasn’t reassured, call it a mother’s intuition I suppose. But she referred her to an ophthalmologist. However, she let me know it would take weeks if not longer. The next part of the story is nothing short of a God story. A doctor/friend from work saw the photo I posted and messaged me. She reached out to an eye doctor and she wanted to see her immediately Monday(today).All weekend it felt like I was just holding my breath. “She has a tumor in her eye, and there’s a lot of seeds in the back.” It was like I was sitting outside of my body in that moment. The rest was a blur, and friends from work walked over and played with riyah while I talked with the doctor. St.Judes wants us there today, so we can meet with a doctor that specializes with retinoblastoma in the morning. She said I need to plan to stay for a week. I’m scared, confused, angry heartbroken and everything else. I’m upset her pediatrician said it was all fine, but now I know they just don’t see it that often. When this is over I’ll do my best to make sure there’s more awareness and education, so that all parents will be taken seriously should they ever notice it in their child’s eyes. Out of 14yrs of working in the hospital I’m always the one making appointments. I’ve seen parents completely undone as doctors have delivered heartbreaking news. But today it’s appointments being made for my own child, it’s me coming completely undone. We are on the way to St.Judes & have childcare set up for now. Unfortunately Jeff will still have to travel back and forth, but he’s staying with us as much as he can. We have no clue what to expect until the mri, so please just pray for her. Sariyah Rose is a fighter.

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Таков е овој случај, каде мајката Јасмин Мартин објавила фотографија на социјалните мрежи како и многу други мајки, но се чини дека така и го спасила животот на својата 17-месечна ќерка.

Имено, на 10 јули 2020 година откако група следбеници на Инстаграм ја видоа фотографијата од нејзината ќерќичка, ја предупредија Јасмин дека со едното око на нејзината ќерка можеби нешто не е како што треба и тоа веднаш го вкучи алармот кај неа.

Јасмин ја однела ќерка си на педијатар, кој првично ја уверил дека сè е во ред.


“Рече дека немам за што да се грижам. Но нешто и натаму не ми даваше мира”, изјави Јасмин за Good Morning America.

Мајчинскиот инстинкт и велеше да продолжи да ја истражува сомнителната дамка во окото на нејзината ќерка.

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Look who tried on glasses today, she’ll get them on Thursday. They are for protection only not for vision. They are precious!!!! She did good on her chemo today. I had a breakdown after going over all her treatments. Doubt crept in, reminding me there’s a chance none of it will even work. Through the unknowns I force myself to remember that God knows, He doesn’t care about statistics and what if’s… He has the FINAL say. Tomorrow is her first subconjunctival chemo injection of carboplatin near her right eye + chemo topotecan through her port. We have been prepared to expect her eye to swell significantly and for her to be unable to open it for a few days. And over time if they can shrink the tumor in the right eye, then they’ll be able to do laser treatment on that one as well for all the seeding. In addition while she’s asleep tomorrow for the injection and eye exam, they may be doing the laser treatment on the right eye. It’s all so overwhelming, scary, and hard. But multiple people have told me to write down at least one good thing each day. It’s almost impossible to do that right now. Yet something happens when praise hits pain. It’s not easy it’s like retraining your muscles after an injury it takes work, and it’s messy getting to the end result. But I’ve been digging deep daily looking for the good in the midst of the bad. Today it was seeing her trying on these tiny pink glasses and squinting at us laughing. My heart melted and I felt so much gratitude even through the tears, I’m grateful for this sweet girl and those tiny pink glasses.❤️

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Една од нејзините пријателки испратила фотографија на лекар што го познава.

“Тој ми се јави и ми рече дека мора да ја види Сара што е можно поскоро. Таа беше испратена во болница каде и беше дијагностициран ретинобластом, редок вид на kaнцер  кој погодува приближно 250 до 300 деца годишно”, се вели на веб-страницата на болницата Сент Мери.

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Today she had her first chemo injection in her right eye+ cryotherapy for some of the seeding, + laster treatment in the left eye. She also had a hearing test….because the meds can cause hearing loss. After she woke up in recovery we went off to have chemo through her port. We found out we’ll also be here another 4 wks. The doctor said, “Be prepared for her eye to swell it will get even bigger by night, she’ll vomit and give her meds as needed.” I was listening and I thought I was prepared. As a mother you prepare as best as you can for the day when you bring your baby home. You prepare their nursery, you prepare the home, you prepare the diaper bag. You do all this planning and preparation. And then the baby comes and you learn real quickly that nothing goes as planned. You just go with it as it comes. Yet no matter what comes you will give your all to protect your baby. I’ve always been the “extra” one that always overthinks things. I’m always the one trying to fix everything. But absolutely nothing in this world could have prepared me for today. I want to protect her and run and wake up to this all just being a bad dream. I want to fix it all, but I feel helpless right now. Nothing ever prepares you for this moment, it’s heart shattering seeing her this way. I almost didn’t share this picture at all. I sent it to a friend and she said, “I see a fighter ?? A little girl who, despite having endured a lot today that ultimately resulted in a swollen eye, still wants to just be a kid and play with her new toys.” And that’s exactly what she is…a fighter who still just wants to be a kid. She got a tablet in the mail today..THANK YOU, and some toys from child life. If she can continue to fight her hardest..well then so can I. #sariyahstrong

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Девојчето поминало циклус на хемотерапија и туморот се повлекол, но се уште не е целосно исчезнат.

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We found out today Sariyah has Adenovirus + Rhinovirus. Her ANC is still really low. Her next round of chemo starts Sept. 1st, & I feel like her body is working so hard to stay caught up. I hope we can at least be discharged from the hospital soon, but I also know she has to get better first. In the midst of all the news today, I’ve been so humbled by the outpouring of love! Her Amazon wish list has been WIPED CLEAN! Today she received a ton of stuff in the mail, including a wagon. The foldable wagon is something we wanted her to have to travel around here on campus. She will have so many exams under anesthesia + long appointments. We wanted her to be as comfortable as possible and to have a nice space to rest in between everything + keeping up with all her things each day. The wagon didn’t have a gift tag with it! So whoever did that THANK YOU SO MUCH, please know it is greatly appreciated. She tested it out today and loves it! There were a few other things with no names, but please know we are extremely thankful!!!! To EVERYONE thank you so much for every single thing, you have no clue how much all of this means to us. I can’t help but to believe now more than ever that there’s always light in the midst of the darkness. Even on the hard days the light still shines. Thank you for continuously praying, for all the support here+ support and love back home for her siblings! We are having to move to long term housing tomorrow, but the moment she’s discharged from the hospital she’s going to be so surprised with a lot of stuff to do!!!!!! That smile is what keeps me going❤️? #sariyahstrong

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Кога започнав да го документирам ова, си реков дека ќе бидам целосно транспарентна. Денес ми беше многу тешко.Нејзината коса само што започна да паѓа во огромни купчиња. И навистина, знам дека работите може да бидат полоши и сега нашиот главен фокус е нејзиното око и ставање под контрола на туморот, напиша мајката на социјалните мрежи.

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When I started documenting this I told myself I’d be fully transparent. Today has been hard. I miss the kids so much. Her hair just started coming out in huge clumps. And really I know things could be worse and that our main focus is her eye and getting the tumor under control. But it’s hard seeing her curls falling out. Someone told me to remind myself daily that this is all temporary. We can’t leave if we do then we lose the housing arrangements. But her levels have doubled which they weren’t expecting and it’s a good thing. God is definitely working. This is all temporary as painful as it may be, but God’s unfailing love…well that’s permanent. And so I’ll do my best to keep praising Him through the pain, and through all the unknowns.

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Вели тешко е да се гледаат како паѓаат цели кадрици коса, но се теши со тоа дека сето ова е привремено.

За среќа изгледа, Бог дефинитивно е на наша страна напиша таа откривајќи дека состојбата на ќерка и е подобра.

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My baby is on the news! It was such an honor, and humbling experience. When this first happened I asked God why this had to happen to Sariyah. Later I realized I was asking the wrong question. So I tried,”God WHAT are you going to do through Sariyah.” I will strive to raise more awareness. And I pray that others see Jesus through her story. You can’t help not to see His goodness throughout the community helping us, and how we ended up here. I’m not okay not by a long shot, but I’ll never be able to express how grateful I am for everyone that’s walking this with us. I hope others see more to Sariyah than her eye and her diagnosis. I hope they see a vision of hope and miracles. #childhoodcanceeawareness #sariyahstrong #cancersucks #gogoldforchildhoodcancer #knowtheglow #retinoblastoma

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